Аксессуары для стерилизации/чистки бутылочек для малышей

Baby Bottle Sterilizers

There is enough to worry about with a new baby in mind, either on the way or just arrived. Another minefield of information to sort through are bottles, techniques for cleaning, washing, and sterilizing them. With all the options available, it may be a bit overwhelming. Read on for additional information regarding these.

Get to washing

There isn't a time in your life when things are more rushed; yet, your concern is highest. Washing baby bottles shouldn't be one of them. While there are many ways to wash them, good 'ole warm soapy water and bottle brushes does the trick every time. Making sure you rinse well after washing is highly important as you want to get all the soap residue out of the bottle. However, using the dishwasher is acceptable for dishwasher-safe baby items. In fact, these steps should be followed when hand washing baby products:

  • Wash your hands properly.
  • Take apart all parts of the bottle or feeding items.
  • Rinse all of these in running water.
  • Fill a basin (not the sink) with hot water, then wash all parts with a bottle brush ensuring squeezing water through hard-to-reach places like the nipples.
  • Rinse all parts in running water again.
  • Allow all these parts to air dry.
  • Wash the bottle brush and allow it to air dry as well.

If you want to make this part a little easier, you can also use bottle liners. While these don't remove the need to wash all the components, including the bottle the liner was in, this will make it easier to clean. The bottle liners are inserted prior to adding the milk or formula and then are disposed of when finished to make cleaning a cinch.

Why is air drying important?

Air drying ensures that you're not introducing additional dust, dirt, or germs to the bottle or parts once they are cleaned. The easiest method for ensuring this is a bottle rack. Bottle-drying racks allow the bottles and accessories to be placed upside down with air circulating in and around them. Since they are upside down, dust cannot settle within it. Additionally, since you're not wiping them out, you're less likely to introduce dust or germs from the towel or paper towel you're using to dry them. Ensure that you clean the bottle-drying rack often to prevent unnecessary build of moisture, dust, or germs on it.

Time to sanitize

You've got all the bottles freshly purchased or freshly cleaned. Now it's time to sanitize them. Bottle sterilization and accessory sterilization can be done through several methods. These methods include:

  • Boiling in water for five minutes
  • Steam
  • Using a bleach solution

In addition to these ways, a dishwasher with the heated drying or sanitize option is acceptable. There are also devices which use ultraviolet (UV) light to kill any bacteria. Additional products offered include steam sterilizers and baby bottle sterilizers.