Dessert Honeys Syrups

Honey Provides a Healthy Sweetener Substitute for Sugar

Honey as a sweetener offers nutritional benefits that are turning it into a popular substitute for sugar. The antioxidants have been linked to decreases in blood pressure as well as the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks, and some cancers. It also may decrease levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. Like other sweeteners, it’s still high in sugar content and calories. For those with diabetes and others at risk for strokes and heart disease, though, it’s a better choice than either sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

If I want to buy a present, how do I know which is vegan honey and which isn't?

Technically, there cannot be vegan honey. It’s mentioned by name as one of the foods excluded from the vegan diet by the very definition of the term "vegan." The definition was created in 1944 by the founder of veganism, Donald Watson, and it states: "Veganism . . . applies to the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk, and its derivatives. . . ."

What is halal honey, and how do I know if it’s halal or not?

Halal foods are those that are acceptable under Islamic dietary laws. Haraam foods are those that are not permitted under those same Islamic dietary laws. Honey is included on the list of halaal foods so long as it has not been mixed with any haraam foods. Haraam foods include alcohol, gelatin, artificial or pure vanilla extract, pepsin, and lipase.

What is raw honey?

Raw honey is not a term with a legal definition. The FDA states that it has not been filtered or heated above the ambient temperature of its surroundings. The National Honey Board states that it either exists as it is in a beehive or that it has been obtained by extraction from the hive or by straining or settling without the addition of heat.

What is Fairtrade honey?

Fairtrade is an organization focused on creating a global system of sustainable, ethical trade.

When producers sell through Fairtrade, they receive the Fairtrade Minimum Price that covers the average cost of producing their products through sustainable methods. This minimum price also provides a cushion when the price on the market drops. When the market price is higher than the Fairtrade Minimum Price, the producers sell their products at the full market price. They are always free to negotiate for a higher price from their buyers.

Producers who sell through Fairtrade also receive the Fairtrade Premium. They can use this additional payment for projects of their own choice. Some use it to improve their farms or businesses while others use it for projects that improve the educational or health standards in their communities.

Both the producers and the buyers have to meet the Fairtrade Standards before a product can receive Fairtrade certification. Certification ensures that fairer terms of trade between producers and buyers also protect workers' rights and allow the farms or businesses of the producers and the businesses of the buyers to thrive.