Game of Thrones Collectible Swords

What to Know When Buying a Game of Thrones Sword

If you would like memorabilia to remember "Game of Thrones," then you may consider a collectible sword. eBay features hundreds of Game of Thrones swords for sale. When considering Game of Thrones swords for sale, you should know your favorite character, the size sword you want, and how well the sword is made.

Choosing a sword by character

Game of Thrones has dozens of characters, and you probably have one or two favorites. Most characters in "Game of Thrones" have a signature sword. If you love a particular character, then you need the right sword. Here are a few characters and the weapons they used.

  • Arya Stark: This tough girl carried her sword, Needle, with her everywhere. You might also look for an Arya dagger replica because her dagger plays a vital role in the series.
  • Jon Snow: The illegitimate son of Ned Stark joined the Night's Watch to prove himself. While serving north of the Wall, Jon wielded Longclaw. You may want to look for an affordable Longclaw sword for sale
  • Samuel Tarly: Sam was never known as a fighter, but his family owned Heartsbane, a famous Valyrian Steel sword. You could get a Heartsbane sword replica.
  • Jaime Lannister: This villain turned hero is a fan favorite. Jaime was known for wielding Oathkeeper in the series.
What size new or used sword do you want?

Collectible swords come in several sizes. You can get miniature swords that will fit on your desk or perfect replicas of the sword. These swords are 4 inches long and are ideal for desks or bookshelves.

Do you have room for a full-size Jon Snow sword replica in your home? These swords can be 4 feet long, so you'll need a place on the wall for it. Or, carefully measure the area you want to put the sword. Knowing the size you need will help you shop for Game of Thrones replica swords.

How accurate is the sword's design?

Game of Thrones swords can be very accurate or just a little similar to the show. Do you want an exact replica of your favorite character's sword? Are you just looking for something similar to a Game of Thrones sword? You should know how accurate the "Game of Thrones" swords for sale need to be before you start shopping.

If you need absolute accuracy, then you should pull up a picture of the original sword. For example, if you're looking for a new or used Heartsbane replica on eBay, then you should pull up a picture of the original Heartsbane. Carefully compare the sword from the show to the sword you are considering. Look for differences in the blade and the handle. Some swords are more detailed.

Additionally, when shopping for a Game of Thrones sword, you should consider the condition. Looking at the pictures should help you make your decision. For example, when looking at the condition of a Jon Snow sword replica look for any dents or chips on the blade.