Girl Scout Sash

Girl Scout Sashes

The Girl Scout uniform is composed of a skirt, shirt, sash, badge, and patch collection. The Girl Scout sash is essential for Girl Scout and Brownie troop uniforms. Here's how to get the look so that your daughter can show off her badges with pride.

Where do you sew a patch on a sash?

The Girl Scout uniform code specifies where each patch should go on the Girl Scout sash. There are different placements for a patch on the uniforms, depending on the scout's rank. Daisy Girl Scouts display each patch on a tunic or vest instead of a sash.

A patch is worn on the back of sashes to commemorate the fun experiences that the Girl Scout, Brownie, or Daisy has enjoyed with her troop. Girls can earn a pottery patch, camping patch, or council event patch, for example.

A Girl Scout patch is different from a badge since a patch is for fun, while a badge is for accomplishments. Girl Scouts can get troop cookie-sales badges, business badges, and computer skills badges, among others. Troop badges and patches are made by the Girl Scouts Association.

Where do girls put badges on a Juniors sash?

Badges go on the front of a Juniors Girl Scout sash. American flag badges and Girl Scout troop badges should be at the top, while Journey awards should be placed above general badges. Membership pin placement is near the top, above any patch or badge.

What color is a Girl Scout uniform?

In 1912, the uniforms for girls were blue. Later, in 1914, they became khaki, and then green in 1928. Daisy Girl Scouts wear blue, Brownies wear mocha, and Juniors wear green. Older girls sport khaki. Skirts, vests, and sashes should be worn in the appropriate color.

How do you put on a Girl Scout sash?

As a part of the uniform, the Girl Scout sash with insignia should be worn during troop meetings and sponsored activities. For Cadette level and above, sashes are tied with a square knot below patch and badge collections. For Brownies and Juniors, sashes do not require knots. The sash for Girl Scouts should be worn in the color corresponding to the girl's appropriate Girl Scout level, such as a brown sash for Brownies or a green sash for Juniors. Girl Scouts should have a clean sash with badges, patches, membership pins, and other insignia attached. The sash is worn on top of the white button down shirt or Girl Scout polo. It should be placed across the body with badges and insignia facing forward. Girl Scouts should not put on a vest and polo at the same time.