Hayward Pool Cleaners & Vacuums


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Purchasing the Right Hayward Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner for Your Pool

Swimming pools bring a real value to your home and provide a place where you can unwind, relax, and enjoy your backyard all summer long. Keeping your pool clean is of utmost importance to make it safe, beautiful, and swimmable all swim season long. Thankfully Hayward's line of automatic pool cleaners takes the hassle out of your daily pool maintenance routine while keeping your pool crystal clear and free of debris.

What type of pool cleaners is right for your pool?

Hayward makes three different types of pool cleaners, each with their own unique functions. Depending on your pool size, type, and plumbing layout, some of these pool cleaner models available on eBay may work better than others. The types of pool cleaners offered by Hayward include:

  • Suction Pool Cleaners - These cleaners attach to your skimmer via a vacuum hose and use the power of your current pump to vacuum debris using your filter's "waste" setting.
  • Pressure Pool Cleaners - These cleaners require a separate pump and dedicated plumbing to clean your pool. The advantage is that they can operate during a normal filtration cycle without dumping water to the waste plumbing.
  • Robotic Pool Cleaners - These cleaners do not require any additional, hoses, plumbing, or pumps and operate using only an electrical outlet. Robotic cleaners tend to provide a superior cleaning experience by targeting which sections of the pool to clean.
What pool vac is right for your pool?

Ultimately this question relies on two specific scenarios: does your pool have plumbing for a pressure cleaner, and does your pool have access to an electrical outlet nearby? If your pool does not have pressure plumbing built in, a suction model such as the Hayward Navigator Pro or the Ultra XL may be good choices for your pool because suction models connect directly to your skimmer. If your pool is already outfitted with return side pressure cleaner plumbing, the Hayward TriVac or Aqua Critter cleaners may be a good fit.

Can a robotic pool cleaner be used on any pool?

Because robotic Hayward pool vacs do not utilize any of your pool's plumbing, they are an ideal choice for many pools, as long as you have a nearby electrical source. This eBay category offers a variety of selections for many pools. To avoid the risk of electrocution or damage to your Hayward pool cleaner, it is recommended that you only use the electrical cord provided with the cleaner and refrain from utilizing an extension cord.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Hayward.