Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs for Ford F-150

Ford F-150 Car & Truck Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs

Ford makes keyless entry remotes and key fobs for its F-150 pickup trucks and other Ford vehicles. These systems let you open your doors, start the engine before you climb inside, and other handy features which operate with the press of a button. You may want to know more about the remote before getting one for your Ford.

How do these keyless entry remotes work?

Remote entry systems use a specific type of frequency and programming designed to work with your car and no others. The remote itself has one or more buttons that do different things based on the model that you own. It functions as a key replacement.

  • Open trunk: On some cars, one of the buttons on the remote will correspond to the trunk. You press it just once to have the trunk lift open. Some models let you press the keyless entry twice to close the trunk.
  • Unlock doors: Another feature on a keyless remote lets you unlock your doors. When in the vicinity of your Ford, you can unlock the doors, even when your hands are full.
  • Start engine: Some key fobs are designed to also start your engine. You can press a button on the keyless remote to have the engine start warming up before you get inside your vehicle.
  • Turn on alarm: You can use the device to turn on your alarm, too. When the button is pressed during an emergency, a loud noise will sound, letting others know that you need help.
What is included with a keyless entry fob?

What comes with your keyless remote depends on which one you buy. Most come with a metal key ring to connect your car key, house keys, and other keys. It may come with one or more replacement keys and/or a second fob. Some companies will even program the device to work with your car or truck. This lets you begin using the device as soon as it arrives without taking a trip to the dealership.

What is a blank key?

A key blank is essentially a key that has not been cut to a specific vehicle yet. Ford is one of several car manufacturers that uses transponder chips inside of blanks. Transponder keys can be recognized by the fact that they typically have a thicker key and a rubber head. Blanks have a specific profile that can be cut to match the lock and can be used with or without a transponder chip.